The blazing summer season brings in a host of summer goodness, including colourful healthy, delicious fruits, bright sunshine, and a multitude of fun activities you can take up to relax. However, while you are enjoying the sun, your body is likely to get dehydrated. The summer season along with the enjoyment is also accompanied by heat strokes, electrolyte imbalance, and excessive water loss in the human body. 

This surely calls for making a healthy intervention to your daily routine by adding alkaline water (like the one by Evocus) to your diet. 

No matter how much you crave for summer coolers fully loaded with ice, your body counts on water for hydration. Alkaline water is gaining significant popularity amongst sportspersons and health enthusiasts. Evocus black alkaline water, with 70+ minerals sourced from the depths of earth & an 8+ pH, is excellent for ultimate hydration and overall health.

Make Summers Hydrating with Evocus!

Alkaline water has a higher pH than normal drinking water. Unlike normal water which is low in nutrients and minerals and is suitable just for hydration, alkaline water is loaded with multiple benefits.

When you switch from normal water to alkaline water like Evocus, your body instantly starts the process of detoxifying the body. It helps you get rid of free radicals and detoxing acid waste in your body thereby enhancing cell permeability. 

Infused with more than 70 minerals extracted from the depth of the earth’s crust the black alkaline water improves digestion. Making it easier for minerals to pass through and enter the body’s cell membrane, alkaline water allows complete absorption without any extra efforts. 

Regular intake of Evocus black alkaline water increases the volume of oxygenated blood cells, improves muscle contraction, keeps your joints lubricated, and makes your skin hydrated, soft, and supple. Thus, it is also the best post-workout drink you have been searching for so long.

Apart from just providing the required hydration to your body, Evocus H2O offers a bunch of health benefits. An enhanced and improved metabolic process promotes a strong and robust immune system making it easier for you to fight foreign pathogens and infections. 

Flushing toxins out of your body helps in maintaining its regular functioning, keeping lethargy and weakness at bay.

Cool ways of adding alkaline water to your diet:

You can add it to your drinks when making your favourite summer crush or cooler. You can also add it to your favourite lemon ice tea for some extra refreshment. Another cool hack is to freeze it into ice-cubes and add it to almost every drink. These black ice-cubes will not only add taste and health to your drinks but will also give them the badass classic black colour. 

Well, if you are someone who doesn’t want to put in any extra effort, you can simply replace your regular drinking water with black alkaline water and you are good to go.

Enjoy this summer with ultimate hydration. Enjoy summers with Evocus!