The on-going COVID crisis has wreaked much havoc. Not only has it brought about severe economic damage, it has also drastically changed our very social setup.

The idea of wellness – for long an afterthought, often forgotten in the haste with which we lead our lives – has now taken centre stage, as have several other reforms vis-a-vis work from home culture and online education.

Now, standing six feet apart, our personal conversations on health and hygiene have grown louder. The ritual of washing hands, sanitizing your everyday objects have all transformed from something that needed constant reminding to slowly become a habit.

So has something else – the covert side-effects of long working hours with little to no activity: sporadic meal cycles and very less water consumption. While the latter is mostly met with umpteen cups of tea or coffee, it has adversely affected our health and immunity. Water plays a major role in keeping our health in order. However, regular water alone won’t suffice today, not with our current lifestyles.

What’s required is a drink that’s more functional, something that holds all the essential minerals that our body so badly needs. Thankfully, there’s Evocus H2O. This Black Alkaline water has been a game changer in its field.

Evocus H2O helps neutralize toxins and excessive acidity in the bloodstream which leads to increased oxygen levels with improved energy and metabolism. The minerals that are packed into each sip will not only help boost your immunity but will also refresh you to face this new normal with a renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

That’s not all, its unique black colour will also attune you to never forget about your daily intake of water. It is the ideal drink for today’s Uber-generation who wants to stay ahead in the race.

Now, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to get this miracle drink. Visit our website to order them –